Mattress and bed useful articles – Mattress 24 blog

What mattress size should I buy?

The size of mattress that you buy is extremely important, as you won’t get a great night’s sleep with your feet sticking out the end of the bed!

In the United Kingdom most people use double mattresses, and it seems that is our preferred size whether we’re single or living alone. However, this isn’t the case across the world, where many nationalities prefer to sleep on a bigger mattress size because of their greater height and weight (for example America).

Mattress size considerations

To ensure you have a mattress that is big enough for you, it ought to be ten centimetres longer than your height. So, if you’re tall you may need a bigger mattress than the five foot eleven inches UK double mattress just to support the length of your body. In this case a king size mattress would be preferable.

If you are sleeping with a partner, you should have sufficient space to neither be hitting the other person nor be resting at the mattress edge. This should be the case even when lying on your back, with your arms on the back of your neck and your elbows sticking out.

You actually need to be relatively thin and not particularly tall to be truly comfortable with a partner on a double mattress, so we recommend moving up to a kingsize mattress if you have the space.

Mattress sizes UK

UK mattress sizes

To help you with your considerations, UK mattress sizes are as follows:

Small single mattress:      2’6 x 6’3
Single mattress:                3’0 x 6’3
Small double mattress:    4’0 x 6’3
Double mattress:              4’6 x 6’3
King size mattress:           5’0 x 6’6
Super King mattress:        6’0 x 6’6

Mattress feel – it’s in the finish

Posted in Mattress information,Mattress shopping by mattress 24 on September 28, 2009
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The method by which a mattress is ‘finished’ can greatly alter both the appearance and feel of the mattress.

One-sided mattress

Some mattresses are designed to not be turned over – a one-sided mattress of this type features a insulating pad, usually quite basic, on the bottom, with a substantial filling and microquilted top.

Microquilt mattress

If you’re likely to buy a soft mattress, the sumptuous experience of a full microquilted finish could be what you’re after. These mattresses contain many thick upholstery layers, of which the topmost is stitched onto the mattress fabric cover, known as the ticking. Doing this means the layers of upholstery remain as full and comfortable as possible.

Tension-tuft mattress

Form those who like a firm mattress, tension-tufted finishes ensure mattress fillings don’t move and form ridge-like shapes, which can prove uncomfortable. These mattresses are compressed, with strong cords of nylon then inserted to hold the ‘tufts’ nice and tight. Most top-of-the-range mattresses are made in this manner, and it enables layers and layers of comfort padding to be added.

Deep quilt mattress

Deep-quilted finishes are usually found on cheap mattresses that do not have thick and fulsome layers of comfort upholstery. In these the layers above the mattress springs are stitched together.

Always remember, especially when buying mattresses online, that the finish affects the comfort of the mattress!

Sleep – why do we slumber?

Posted in Sleep information and research by mattress 24 on September 7, 2009
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Everyone knows we collapse onto a mattress at the end of the day to sleep because we get tired.

But how and why do we get tired? Is it due to a lack of sleep?

When we sleep, ideally on comfortable mattresses, our minds and bodies attempt to effectively work together to regulate a predictable cycle of sleep.

During this sleep our muscles relax and recuperate using the available nutrients. Top athletes know, following hard conditioning and training, it is during sleep that muscle size, tone and endurance really develop.

Getting enough rest
Young children need more sleep than adults for the same reasons. As children grow, taking up more and more of their single mattresses single mattresses, additional sleep is required to enable their bodies to recuperate. As they develop into adolescence – out of their main growth phase – their sleep requirements reduce.

Not getting the required amount of sleep affects the ability of our brains to function effectively. Sleep deprivation studies have shown that it can impair both lengthen decision times and our ability to make decide logically. It can also impair memory, adversely impacting an individual’s ability to perform at either school or work.